Pressure Canning Vegetables. (Pressure Canner)

Pressure canning is the only safe method for canning vegetables.

Young, tender, fresh vegetables, slightly immature, are better for canning than those which are overripe. As a rule, vegetables are best if canned immediately after picking, since flavor decreases upon standing and often unpleasant color changes take place. Avoid bruising vegetables because spoilage organisms grow more rapidly on bruised vegetables than on unblemished ones.

Wash and prepare garden fresh vegetables as you would for cooking.
To raw pack vegetables, simply place the prepared vegetables into clean Mason jars and cover with boiling water.

To hot pack vegetables, precook in boiling water until heated through. Pack pre-cooked vegetables into clean, hot Mason jars and cover with boiling water. Whenever possible, the precooking water should be used as liquid to cover the vegetables after packing into Mason jars. However, there are a few vegetables, such as greens and asparagus, which make the cooking water bitter and undesirable to use.

When packing vegetables, leave 1 inch head space in Mason jars.

Foods may be processed with or without salt. If salt is desired, use only pure canning salt. Table salt contains a filler which may cause cloudiness in bottom of jars. Add 1⁄2 teaspoon canning salt to each pint jar, 1 teaspoon to each quart jar, if desired.

Follow step-by-step directions beginning on page 5 for canning procedure. Process specific vegetables according to the following recipes.

When pressure canning at altitudes of 2,000 feet or below, process according to specific recipe. When canning at higher altitudes, process according to the following chart.

Altitude chart for canning vegetables

Altitude---------------Pints and Quarts
2,001 – 4,000 ft.--- 12 lbs. 12 lbs.
4,001 – 6,000 ft.--- 13 lbs. 13 lbs.
6,001 – 8,000 ft.--- 14 lbs. 14 lbs.
Processing time is the same at all altitudes.

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Canning Fruits and Tomatoes with Pressure Canner. (Pressure Canner)

Foods high in acidity (fruits and tomatoes) may be processed using pressure canning or boiling water canning. The pressure processing method for fruits and tomatoes gives a heat treatment equivalent to the much longer processing time required with the boiling water canning method.

Select firm, fully-ripened but not soft fruit or tomatoes. Do not can overripe foods. Some fruits tend to darken while they are being prepared. To prevent the darkening, place fruit in an ascorbic acid solution (1 teaspoon ascorbic acid to 1 gallon water) or use ascorbic acid or citric acid mixtures according to package instructions.

Although fruit has better color, shape, and flavor when it is canned with sugar, it may be canned unsweetened if desired. Sugar is used for flavor. It is not used in a high enough concentration to act as a preservative. White sugar is preferable to brown sugar for canning. Light corn syrup or honey may be used to replace up to one-half the sugar.

If you wish to use sugar substitutes, follow package instructions. The amount of sugar desirable to use in preparing syrups will depend upon the tartness of the fruit and on family preference. It should be remembered that fruit, when heated, releases some of its juices which will dilute the syrup in proportion to the juiciness of the fruit.

Heat sugar with water or juice until sugar is dissolved. Add fruit and cook until heated through. Pack fruit into clean Mason jars to within 1⁄2 inch of top of jar. Cover with hot liquid leaving 1⁄2 inch head space. The liquid may be syrup, fruit juice, or plain water. For steps on boiling water canning, refer to page 13.

When pressure canning at altitudes of 2,000 feet or below or boiling water canning at altitudes of 1,000 feet or below, process according to specific recipe. When canning at higher altitudes, process according to the following charts.

Altitude chart for pressure canning fruit and tomato recipes
Altitude --------------Pints and Quarts
2,001 – 4,000 ft. ---7 lbs. 7 lbs.
4,001 – 6,000 ft. --- 8 lbs. 8 lbs.
6,001 – 8,000 ft. --- 9 lbs. 9 lbs.
Processing time is the same at all altitudes.

Altitude chart for boiling water canning fruit and tomato recipes
Altitude------------- Pints and Quarts
1,001 – 3,000 ft.--- increase processing time 5 minutes
3,001 – 6,000 ft.--- increase processing time 10 minutes
6,001 – 8,000 ft.--- increase processing time 15 minutes

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Steps for Successful Steam-Pressure Canning. (Pressure Canner)

1. Put 2 –3 inches of hot water in canner. Place filled jars on the rack, using a jar lifter. Fasten canner lid securely.

2. Leave weight off vent port or open petcock. Heat at the highest setting until steam flows from the petcock or vent port.

3. Maintain high heat setting, exhaust steam 10 minutes, and then place weight on vent port or close petcock. The canner will pressurize during the next 3 to 5 minutes.

4. Start timing the process when the pressure reading on the dial gauge indicates that the recommended pressure has been reached, or when the weighted gauge begins to
jiggle/ rock.

5. Regulate heat under the canner to maintain a steady pressure at or slightly above the correct gauge pressure. If the pressure reading goes below the recommended pressure, you must bring the pressure back up and start the timing process over again from the beginning.

6. When timed processing is completed, turn off the heat, remove canner from heat (if electric range), and let the canner “depressurize” at room temperature (dial needle moves back to “0" or no steam sounds when weight is gently nudged). Do not force-cool the canner. Releasing pressure from a partially opened vent or placing the
canner under cool water will result in under-processing. It may also cause unsealed jars and loss of liquid from the jars. Quick-cooling can also warp the canner lid of older model canners.

7. After the canner is depressurized, remove the weight from the vent port or open the petcock. Wait 2 minutes, unfasten the lid, and remove it carefully. Lift the lid away from you so that the steam does not burn your face.

8. Remove jars with a lifter, and place on towel or cooling rack, if desired. Do not set on a cold surface or expose to breezy conditions.

pressure canner

Additional Safety/Operating Tips

Gauges: Check dial gauges for accuracy before use each year and replace if they read high by more than 1-2 pound pressure.
Gauges may be checked at most county Cooperative Extension offices. Replacement gauges and other parts for canners are often available at stores offering canning equipment or from canner manufacturers. When ordering parts, it will be helpful
to know the model number of your canner.

Gaskets: Handle canner lid gaskets carefully and clean them according to the manufacturer’s directions. Nicked or dried gaskets will allow steam leaks during pressurization of canners and should be replaced. Keep gaskets clean between uses. A lid which is difficult to remove after cooling may indicate a gummy, or dry gasket and is reason to replace it.

Sources: Adapted from information in the USDA Complete Guide to Home Canning and Ball Blue Book, Guide to Home Canning, Freezing & Dehydration.

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Testing Pressure Canner Gauges. (Pressure Canner)

Pressure canners use either a dial gauge or a weighted gauge. The gauge (dial or weighted) controls and monitors the pressure. The weighted gauge permits pressure to rise to a definite point and then releases excess steam to keep pressure from going higher. Some people refer to these gauges as “rocking” or “jiggle” gauges. With this type of gauge, the canning process is monitored by listening for a certain number of jiggles per minutes. Check your canner manual for information on how to monitor the pressure. Most weights allow you to process at 5-, 10- or 15-pounds of pressure. Weighted gauges do not require testing but should be kept clean and rust-free.

pressure canner, pressure cannersA dial gauge canner has a pressure dial on the top that allows you to read the pressure inside the canner during the canning process. Dial gauges operate from 0- to 25-pounds of pressure, with most recipes and canning instructions calling for a pressure of either 6- or 11-pounds of pressure. Dial gauges MUST be tested every year for accuracy. Your dial gauge will be tested against a Master Gauge which will determine if your gauge is accurate, if you can compensate for your gauge being off, or if your gauge needs to be replaced.

Check with your County University of Minnesota Extension office to see if the testing is done locally. If you cannot get your gauge tested locally, National Presto Industries will test your gauge for no charge! Carefully remove and package the gauge. Send the gauge to:

National Presto Industries
3925 North Hastings Way
Eau Claire, WI 54703-2200
Questions? Presto Consumer Service Department (1-800-877-0441)

If the gauge-reading is off by one or more pounds, you are encouraged to purchase a new gauge. If it is off less than one pound, remind yourself of the difference and adjust the recipe’s pressure accordingly to allow for the difference. Incorrect readings will lead to unsafe foods that are under-processed or over-processed.
Replacement gauges and other parts (e.g. gaskets, safety plugs) for canners are often found at stores that sell food preservation equipment or from canner manufacturers. When ordering parts, be sure to provide your canner model number and describe the parts you need.

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Steps for Successful Pressure Canning. (Pressure Canner)

Pressure canner

Pressure Canner is a great way to lower your food bill and feed your family, because of that pressure canner is use in the home were extensively. Pressure canner is needed if you want to can low-acid pressure canner, pressure cannersfoods such as red meats, sea food, poultry, milk, and all fresh vegetables with the exception of most tomatoes and you definitely need a pressure canner for anything containing any meat. Home canning of meats is even recommended, even with a pressure canner.

Below is steps for successful pressure canning:
(Read through all the instructions before beginning.)

1. Center the canner over the burner. When you have your jars of food ready for canning, put the rack and 2 to 3 inches of hot water into the canner. For hot packed foods, you can bring the water to 180 degrees F. ahead of time, but be careful not to boil the water or heat it long enough for the depth to decrease.

2. Place filled jars, fitted with lids, on the jar rack in the canner, using a jar lifter. When moving jars with a jar lifter, make sure the jar lifter is securely positioned below the neck of the jar (below the screw band of the lid). Keep the jar upright at all times. Tilting the jar could cause food to spill into the sealing area of the lid.

3. Fasten the canner lid securely. Leave the weight off the vent port or open the petcock.

4. Turn the heat setting to its highest position. Heat until the water boils and steam flows freely in a funnel-shape from the open vent port or petcock. While maintaining the high heat setting, let the steam flow (exhaust) continuously for 10 minutes.

5. After this venting, or exhausting, of the canner, place the counterweight or weighted gauge on the ventport, or close the petcock. The canner will pressurize during the next 3 to 5 minutes.

6. Start timing the process when the pressure reading on the dial gauge indicates that the recommended pressure has been reached, or, for canners without dial gauges, when the weighted gauge begins to jiggle or rock as the manufacturer describes.

7. Regulate the heat under the canner to maintain a steady pressure at, or slightly above, the correct gauge pressure. One type of weighted gauge should jiggle 2 or 3 times per minute, while another type should rock slowly throughout the process, check the manufacturer's directions.

o Loss of pressure at any time can result in underprocessing, or unsafe food.
o Quick and large pressure variations during processing may cause unnecessary liquid losses from jars.
If at any time pressure goes below the recommended amount, bring the canner back to pressure and begin the timing of the process over, from the beginning (using the total original process time). This is important for the safety of the food.

8. When the timed process is completed, turn off the heat, remove the canner from the heat (electric burner) if possible, and let the canner cool down naturally. While it is cooling, it is also de-pressurizing. Do not force cool the canner. Forced cooling may result in food spoilage. Cooling the canner with cold running water or opening the vent port before the canner is fully depressurized are types of forced cooling. They will also cause loss of liquid from jars and seal failures. Force cooling may also warp the canner lid.

Depressurization of older canner models without dial gauges should be timed. Standard size heavy-walled canners require about 30 minutes when loaded with pints and 45 minutes when loaded with quarts. Newer thin-walled canners cool more rapidly and are equipped with vent locks that are designed to open when the pressure is gone. These canners are depressurized when the piston in the vent lock drops to a normal position. Some of these locks are hidden in handles and cannot be seen; however, the lid will not turn open until the lock is released.

9. After the canner is depressurized, remove the weight from the vent port or open the petcock. Wait 2 minutes (as a safety precaution), unfasten the lid and remove it carefully. Lift the lid with the underside away from you so that the steam coming out of the canner does not burn your face.

10. Using a jar lifter, remove the jars one at a time, being careful not to tilt the jars. Carefully place them directly onto a towel or cake cooling rack, leaving at least one inch of space between the jars during cooling. Avoid placing the jars on a cold surface or in a cold draft.

11. Let the jars sit undisturbed while they cool, from 12 to 24 hours. Do not tighten ring bands on the lids or push down on the center of the flat metal lid until the jar is completely cooled.

12. Remove ring bands from sealed jars. Put any unsealed jars in the refrigerator and use first.

13. Wash jars and lids to remove all residues.

14. Label jars and store in a cool, dry place out of direct light.

15. Dry the canner, lid and gasket. Take off removable petcocks and safety valves; wash and dry thoroughly.

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ALL AMERICAN 25 Qt. Pressure Cooker Canner. (Pressure Canner)

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pressure canner, pressure cooker canner, pressure canner cookerThis is a BRAND NEW in the box ALL AMERICAN Heavy Cast Aluminum Pressure Cooker Canner. This is a Model 925 and has a 25 quart liquid capacity. We are an authorized All-American pressure cooker distributor. This cooker retails for over $366 and comes with the standard manufacturers 1-Year Warranty. Ready to can your favorite fish, meat, vegetables and fruits. Only All-American Pressure Cookers/Canners feature and exclusive, precision machined "metal-to-metal" sealing system. Positive action clamping locks align the cover to the base, forming a steam-tight seal. At the same time, this metal-to-metal seal automatically permits venting under unusual pressure conditions, providing an extra margin of safety over conventional rubber or gasketed cookers. If you have any questions, please call us at (701)223-9936 or Toll Free (800)355-2956.

These pressure cookers have been made since 1930 and there are several million in service all over the world. Includes all standard accessories, literature and instructions. This is a professional grade pressure cooker and is perfect for all your canning and pressure cooking needs. Do not confuse with Presto, Mirro, Leyse, Innova or Lagostina brands. This will be the last pressure cooker you ever purchase. We have these cookers in stock and it will ship out the same day your payment is received. You will not find a higher quality cooker at this affordable price anywhere. WE OFFER A 100% "NO QUESTIONS ASKED" GUARANTEE ON EVERY COOKER THAT WE SELL.

Total Height: 16.75"
Inside Diameter: 12.25"
Capacity: 19 Pint Jars or 7 Quart Jars
Weight: 23 Pounds

- Easy-to-read geared steam gauge
- Pressure Regulator weight
- Sturdy Bakelite handle
- Easy On-off cover
- Smooth, easy-to-clean satin finish
- Exclusive Metal To Metal Seal. No Gaskets To Crack, Burn, Replace, Or Clean.
- The Safety Control Valve & Overpressure Plug
- Professional Quality, Extra Heavy Duty Cast Aluminum Construction Throughout For Fast & Even Heating.
- Includes Cooking/Canning Rack
- Easy-To-Read, 8.5" X 11" Instruction & Recipe Book
- 1 Year Limited Warranty (Free written warranty information will be provided upon request)
- Underwriters Laboratories Listed
- Made In U.S.A.
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Pressure Canner Guide - How to use a Pressure Canner.(Pressure Canner)

Using Pressure Canner - Why Choose Pressure Canning to Preserve Food?(Pressure Canner)

Pressure canner
Pressure canning is a safe and economical mechanics of preserving low acid foods which has been used for decades, especially bypressure canner home gardeners and others agape in providing food cover charge for their families where quality control of the food is in one's own hands. Home food preservation also promotes a perplex of particular ease and endeavor. Further, the guess-work is taken out of being able to provide a unconvincible food supply at home whilst guidelines for inaction a pressure canner are followed exactly, scientifically tested/approved recipes are utilized, and high quality ordination, supplies and effect are used.

What Foods Are Typically Processed/Preserved Using a Pressure Canner and Why?

Pressure canner
Low acid foods bind a higher temperature when prefabrication than can be reached by placing ministry in jars immersed by boiling water. To kill harmful bacteria (such as those associated stag dance botulism) use of pressure canning ensures the safety of the preserved accomplish. Foods such as red meats, sea food, poultry, milk, and all forward vegetables, top the stag danceout reserve of mightily tomatoes, fit into the low acid group since they think nothing of an acidity, or pH course, of 4.6 or higher. The temperature which must be reached and maintained (for a specified plane of perennialness) to kill the bacteria is 240 F. This temperature can be reached only by creating steam under pressure.

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