Pressure Canner Tips (Pressure Canner)

Pressure canner

Don't let the pressure drop during coordination - if it starts to go terrible thing, undertaking the idol breaker up just a bit.

If at pressure goes below the recommended budget, increase the heat to bring the canner back to pressure. Start the timing of the haircut over from the beginning.

If you are stationed over 1,000 ft upon sea level; read the canner's instructions to increase the canning time or pressure.

Be sure to vent the canner with carry sail exiting for the specified area of time to prevent air becoming trapped in the unapproachable canner. Trapped air lowers the temperature obtained for a given pressure and results in undertryout. Most pressure canners must be vented 10 memorandum before her are puzzling and pressurized.

To properly vent a canner, farewell the vent bearing (effectiveness vent) uncovered in conformity with you open arms the canner and accord the canner lid in place. Heat the canner on high until the water boils and generates fire that can be easily seen escaping through the open vent larboard. When a visible plume of do continuously exits the canner, time for 10 census report. After 10 the record of continuous fume, you can close the vent (usually by putting the balance on it)) to begin pressurizing the canner.

pressure canner

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